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Yuma's Premier Team
Has everything you want!
Excellent Local Reviews
As the top-rated window cleaners in Yuma we fully understand the importance of delivering high quality workmanship & world class customer care. We are prompt, professional and great local window cleaners! Our great reviews come from awesome local clients in the residential & commercial markets.
Frequently asked Questions
We have answers!
Do you charge for estimates?
No! All estimates are free of charge. We even offer same day estimates via your smartphone.
How much do you charge to clean windows?
Because each job is so unique there isn't one set price, in other words it's not "one size fits all". We gladly provide free estimates as soon as you need it.
We love being able to provide homeowners & business owners with our fantastic services, but they can be dangerous sometimes. You can have peace of mind knowing we have the proper protections & coverage to protect your home or business.
How often should I have my windows done?
In the end its based on personal preference, but we strongly recommend to homeowners that they at least have their windows cleaned twice a year, we do offer more regular maintenance plans and for those that choose more frequent maintenance the pricing is adjusted and savings kick in!
​We gladly accept all forms of payment for your convenience, making sure it works for you too! This includes all major credit/debit cards and checks.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, credit/debit cards and check. For our residential clients we ask for payment upon completion of the job. For our commercial clients, we offer & comply with monthly payment arrangements.
Eco - Friendly Cleaning Solutions
​When the opportunity presents itself, we keep the environment in mind by cleaning with a purified water system that is the latest revolutionary technology for cleaning windows safely and more efficiently. This system saves us from using ladders, protects your home and landscape and allows us too not use harsh chemicals & detergents, this system is cleaner and greener!
What is your cancellation policy?
Life can get crazy sometimes, and things pop up. We know everyone has a tight schedule, so we ask that our clients give us at least 48 hours notice so we can properly accommodate other clients.
Locally grown in Yuma!
We are proud to call Yuma our home, and love working with our friendly community. As a family owned business we build lasting relationships with our clients and enjoy pleasing our clients time & time again.

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